Combining Power Of Storytelling And Social Media

From the beginning, social networks were created for people to share their thoughts. Without doubt those are the best channels to spread the word about your app. In the previous article we talked about the psychology behind storytelling for mobile apps. We need to go further with our discussion and to see your options when it comes to use social media for telling the story built around your app.


We should start with the biggest of all, Facebook. Remember that this network is also useful to stay connected with your audience. Frequent posts related to your app are a good way to discover your users’ opinions.

Create A Photo Album

Images are great sources when you want to generate the right environment for your story. If you create a photo album on Facebook you will be able to add screenshots and other relevant pictures with your creation and to select who should see your album. Make sure you add some elements for encouraging people to browse your images. If you have some money reserved for this technique you can also boost your post where you describe your photos. You can find a detailed article on how to do that on Hootsuite.

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Make Use Of Facebook Ads

While you can use Facebook for free, there are a few options to make sure you reach your target audience. Creating a video is more efficient when you want to describe your app, so Facebook Video Ads could be the solution for you. We invite you to check our article, Best Practices Of Mobile Video Ads On Social Media with a short guide and the best practices for handling this method. Additionally, you can take advantage of Facebook Dynamic Ads if you have a retail app and you want to present your products along with your story.

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As we said earlier, what is a story without pictures that engage users’ imagination? And what is the most popular place for sharing your images? That’s right, Instagram.

Enable User Generated Content

A great way to attract people into the community built around your app is to convince them to share their stories. Months ago, we created an article especially for this purpose. We recommend you to pay attention to the best practices when it comes to ask users for snippets of their lives and to adapt its benefits to your app’s style.

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Compelling Instagram Profile

In the same time you can build your Instagram Profile in a way that will make your users curious to discover more. Add a few photos with the main moments of your story and allow your customers to connect the dots. Revealing everything at once won’t have the same effect.

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For funny or special stories the answer is simple, Snapchat where you can add your personal touch to your creation. Let’s see how.

Create Relevant Geofilters

Snapchat Geofilters represent an interactive way for your users to share playful moments with their friends. When those overlays are preferred by your audience then this looks like the best option you have. It would be great if you consider combining storytelling with a location – based strategy. Think about that when you want to target users in their favorite places.

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Use Snapchat Stories

Snapchat Stories is a feature which seems to be created right for this purpose. It is very simple – you have a phone, you take a Snap and you add it to your Story. You only have 24 hours for impressing your users with your images before they are gone forever. You should use this time in a smart way.


Reddit has its own format where members of communities share their thoughts in a specific style. If you want to curate content from different subreddits you can check a great tutorial created by Social Media Examiner. It will help you to save time and to impress users with the ideas gathered in your multireddit. Don’t forget about our tips and tricks on how to use Reddit for connecting with potential users.

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Even if it appears impossible to create a story with a limited numbers of characters for your messages like the tweets you post every day, you should know that short thoughts often make the difference between a boring content and interesting topics.

Build Your Own Hashtag

When you try to create an impact with your story then you can be sure that your own hashtag will do the work for you. Useful guidelines with detailed explanations are displayed on the official site along with best practices for creating a special context for your messages.

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Share Gifs

Everybody knows that gifs are more efficient than simple photos when you want to send a message for your users. It is not complicated to share small animations on Twitter but if you have troubles then the support page of the company can help you with this procedure. When you have a game, a short story described through a gif will impress users.

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For telling the story behind your app, images and gifs work wonderfully but a video really creates the right emotion for your potential users. And which social network is more suitable for uploading your clip than YouTube. You can do even more for surrounding your app with all kinds of ideas if you allow your customers to create their own stories. This strategy was also adopted by the creators of Minecraft with impressive effects. Offering users the liberty to create their own scenes for the game and encouraging them to participate to different contests was a wise decision for the growth of their business. They developed an entire entertainment industry so impressive that Udemy offers courses for the ones who want to start a Minecraft YouTube channel.

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We gathered some useful information for you in our package about Storytelling Marketing for the success of your app. Feel free to use it and to pass behind the borders of mobile screens to access your customers’ hearts and minds. It is great to tell the story of your app but it is even amazing to observe how your users complete it.

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