5 of the Most Used Mobile App Marketing Services That Converts

You’ve built your new mobile app, now what? You have to fight through millions of mobile apps to reach your target demographic. Mobile app marketing is essential to make your mobile app visible and desirable for your target audience. 

It’s true that thousands of mobile apps are downloaded every day, but the bitter truth behind that is there are thousands of apps that never reach their target audience and never gets used. A great mobile app marketing strategy not only makes people download your app, but it also inspires them to use it. 

An effective mobile app marketing strategy:

Targets a specific audience. Searching and finding the app’s specific target audience and creating the strategy focusing on them is the key.

Builds a relationship with users. The connection between the user and the brand is vital. Marketers always try to understand their audience more and look for ways to communicate with them better. 

Increases the success of your app. An outstanding strategy increases the downloads and earnings of your app.

Initiates and accelerates loyalty. Loyalty is the key to a long-term relationship. Loyal customers trust your app with upmost certainty and become brand advocates. This type of relationship is hard to achieve, but when achieved, it can be the most beneficial thing to your brand. A successful mobile app marketing strategy develops a loyal user base. 

Create a unique value proposition. When developing a mobile app marketing strategy, you identify and carefully express the app’s advantages, create, and market value to the user. 

Boosts visibility. By communicating your app to your target audience, marketing strategies improve your business’ visibility. 

Now let’s discuss how you can develop an exceptional mobile app marketing strategy. Here are the most commonly used mobile app marketing strategies.

Mobile App Store Optimization

ASO is one of the most critical steps you have to take to have a successful mobile app marketing strategy; that’s why it is one of the most used mobile app marketing services. Mobile users continuously look for new apps, making app store optimization an essential part of a well-integrated marketing strategy. When optimizing your app store presence, you help your app to be surfaced for relevant searches and catch the attention of potential users. 

App Store Optimization increases your search visibility and helps you gain more organic downloads. Applying data-driven app store optimization services and innovative optimization services is a must for mobile app marketing. 

In a nutshell, here’s your guide on App Store Optimization:

  • Optimize your keywords
  • Optimize your title & description
  • Use app screenshots 
  • Design an attention-grabbing app icon 
  • Create an app preview video
  • Localize
  • Be careful with app pricing 
  • Update when necessary (optimal time is once a month)
  • Include reviews & ratings

Check out The Beginner’s Guide For App Store Optimization now!

Paid Ad Campaigns

Paid advertising puts your ads in front of a massive (and relevant) audience and helps you achieve your goals quicker and sometimes better. 

By developing a successful app ad campaign, you reach the right person, at the right time and place, with the right message.

Starting your mobile advertising campaign, you first decide on your goal. It can be raising awareness, increasing app downloads, driving engagement, or lead generation. The goal you chose determines the tone of your campaign. For example, web banner advertising can be better for an awareness campaign, and retargeting and referral campaigns can be better for engagement goals. 

Read our comprehensive guide on mobile advertising now! In that article we discussed:

  • How to select a goal
  • The fundamentals of advertising 
  • How to choose the perfect ad format
  • What to track and measure

Prelaunch App Marketing

The first part of mobile app marketing is to catch the attention of the users; mobile marketing activities help achieve that. After that, you build trust and try to meet their increasing expectations. For a successful app launch, create a prelaunch marketing campaign by researching target users and the competition. Starting early will benefit you hugely in the future, but creating a buzz can be a challenge. It can be done using social media advertising, content marketing, or email marketing. 

App Monetization

App monetization strategies help businesses maximize their revenues through in-app marketing. Best monetization tactics that boost revenues include choosing the right ad partner, adopting in-app purchases, and choosing ad placements that won’t disturb the user. To develop an effective in-app ad monetization, you need to have great UX, learn more here

App User Engagement & Retention

User retention defines the number of times a user returns to your app within some determined time after their first session. To create a successful app, you have to increase this rate with strong engagement tactics and methods. The company’s unique features determine the suitable retention rate. 

User engagement describes how active the users are in the app; a good indicator can be the number of app sessions in a specific period. Since excellent user retention and user engagement rates are essential for the app’s success, it is one of the most commonly used mobile app marketing services.

Increased engagement and retention brings:

  • A higher number of sessions with users
  • Enhanced overall usage
  • Boost in revenue and monetization
  • More loyal customers
  • Less risk for the app to get uninstalled

To increase app engagement and user retention, you can adopt the following strategies:

Use push notifications. With increased competition, app abandonment increased last year. Localytics’ personalization analytics state that users who experience some personalization are more likely to return to an app for 11 or more sessions. And a straightforward way of customization is using push notifications. Provide useful information and offer relevant deals to your user with your push notifications. 

Encourage two-way communication. Customers want to build relationships with brands, and as marketers, we need to make their wishes real. We have to make them feel valued and appreciated. You have to hear them and get their feedback to know their wants and needs, solve their problems, and improve your app. 

Develop a reward system. Incentivization is the most effective way to generate more impressions and engagement. Giving users reward points benefit the app in the long run, and it can help to acquire new users. Especially in competitive markets, users always look for more incentives. For example, Starbucks uses a reward program in its app. Customers collect stars that can be turned into free drinks and food. Click here to read the Mobile App Success Story: Starbucks App

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