Top Mobile Games Marketing Strategies of 2021

The mobile gaming market is one of the essential app categories, and it massively increased its popularity during COVID-19. In 2020, mobile game downloads are expected to grow 30% and reach 56.2 billion, compared with 10.4% growth in recent years. And mobile games are expected to account for 41% of new installs by 2024, meaning 74.8 billion downloads.

This is good news for mobile game developers, but it also means increased competition. In this article, we will discuss tried and tested mobile game marketing strategies. But first, let’s talk briefly about the definition of mobile game marketing. 

What is Mobile Game Marketing?

Mobile game marketing is using different approaches to market a mobile game to a targeted audience. There are many different strategies you can use, like using social media, publish valuable content, or create a landing page designed specifically to funnel users to your app. You have limitless opportunities to develop a successful mobile game marketing campaign.

Types & Categories of Mobile Games

Mobile games have lots of different categories suitable for many different target audiences. Here are the most popular mobile game categories in 2021:

  • Action games
  • Casual games
  • Puzzle games
  • MOBA – Multiplayer Online Battle Arena

You can learn more about mobile game categories here.  

Best Mobile Game Marketing Strategies

Developing and launching an app is only the beginning. It should stand out in the crowd and persuade the users to download and keep your app on their mobile phones. If your mobile game app does not have a distinct and powerful marketing strategy in place, it will be lost between the millions of apps. 

Here are eight effective ways to market your mobile game.

Identify Your Target Audience

Finding out who your target audience is number one on any marketing to-do list. The three rules of marketing are segmentation, targeting, and positioning. First, identify the people who will appreciate and enjoy your game the most. Locating this group will save you a lot of time, money, and effort. And prevent you from advertising your game to an audience that has no interest in it. 

After deciding on whom to target, start your advertising efforts. Find out the best channels that your audience uses, the best times to target them, what they like, and so much more. 

Make A Trailer Clip For Your Game

Not all mobile gamers are interested in reading how to play your game or how fascinating it is. Many of them want to see what is expecting them if they decide to download your game. And you can persuade a vast number of mobile users to download and play your game by creating a short video showcasing your game’s strengths.

Your promo video should feature the most exciting parts of your game, and in the eyes of the user what makes it intriguing, make it fun and exciting to watch. Upload the video to your game’s YouTube channel. If you don’t have one, create a YouTube channel for your game first, Youtube is a great platform for gaming apps because it can be used to publish game trailers and teasers, giving your audience a quick look inside the game. And add the video link to your game’s description on the app store and the landing pages you create. 

Use Influencers To Boost Your Marketing Results

91% of smartphone users have social media platforms installed on their mobile devices. And in the world we live in, influencers have a massive impact on the way consumers think. When an influencer says they like an app, their followers believe their opinion is genuine, this marketing process increases your reach and bring credibility. 

To find out how to discover the best social media influencers and the best practices of influencer marketing campaigns, check out our How to Get Benefit From Social Media Influencers for Mobile Apps blog post. 

Create a Landing Page

A landing page is a one-page website that you can use to advertise your mobile gaming app. What to include in your landing page:

  • App Store or Google Play links of your mobile gaming app
  • Game’s promo video
  • A strong call to action button 
  • Screenshots of your game
  • Game reviews 

Start Email Marketing

If you are at a pre-launch stage, use your landing page to collect potential user’s contact info. Having a potential user’s email address is one of the best ways to reach them to let them know when your game’s release date and let them know about updates. Using landing pages to collect contact information because these are the people that are interested enough to visit your game’s website. These users offer great potential to download your app.

And whether you are using email marketing, social media, influencers, or any other type of marketing, make sure you measure your results. Keep an eye on the analytics and adjust your marketing efforts accordingly. 

Create Attention-Grabbing App Screenshots

Visuals are crucial in any marketing strategy. Humans process visuals 60,000 times faster than text. Make sure the screenshots you show have high quality and depict your game sufficiently. 

Get Game Reviews

A large number of sites can give you reviews, and game reviews are a great way to reach new users. Getting game reviews will benefit you create more buzz around your mobile game and attract more users. After you get your reviews, don’t forget to share them on your social media accounts or send the news to your email list. 

Use Mobile Games Promotion Platforms

Creating a killer gaming app is not enough, you have to let your target audience know your app and convince them to download and keep your app. Since not all game developers can be a game marketing expert, that’s where mobile game advertising platforms come to rescue. Most of the time, to reach your target audience and give your app the exposure it deserves, you have to bring in marketing experts.

To learn more about mobile game marketing and how to advertise your app to the perfect target market, click here!

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