Getting Rich with Rich Media Ads

Rich media is a digital advertising term for an ad that includes advanced features like video, audio, or other elements that encourage viewers to interact and engage with the content. While text ads sell with words, and display ads sell with pictures, rich media ads offer a variety of methods to capture your audience’s attention and retain them. A study from emarketer showed that rich media ads outperformed static ads by a 267% on CTR, showing the effectiveness of rich media ads. 

What are Rich Media Ads?

Rich media ads are digital advertisements that include advanced features such as audio, video or other elements that promote viewer engagement and interaction with the content. Whilst a video ad might be a simple .mp4 or .mov file, rich media ads have far more versatile, with the ability to include elements such as clickable buttons and can be used in a variety of placements, such as programmatic and GDN and much more. Take the below rich media ad as an example of the greater creativity that can be achieved, as the rich media advertisement appears to jump off the screen and commence dancing:

Getting Rich with Rich Media Ads
Rich media ad of Bates Motel (television show), season 3 promotion. This unique ad campaign resulted in a 49% jump in viewership.

Why Use Rich Media Ads?

  • They are visually attractive, thus, can capture your audience’s attention more effectively. 
  • They are interactive. Engagement brings more clicks and conversions. Using a wide array of media to convey your message, increases your chances to break through the advertising monotony and potentially converting to a click, or install. 
  • They include videos. Numerous studies show that people tend to prefer video ads as they are visually more appealing and can also convey concepts better than a static image. 
  •  With rich media ads, there is greater opportunity to greater sell, raise awareness or educate the market about your product or service, as you are not restricted to a static image. This would be particularly useful for companies with a difficult or complex product to sell.
  • You can use multiple buttons in rich media ads. For example, if you’re selling clothes you can send women to a page and men to another one, by using two different buttons.


No one ad format will suit every single goal and company and outperform all other formats, every time. However, there are numerous advantages to using rich media ads. Advertisers should consider their advertisements objectives, and whether enhanced engagement and increased visibility will assist their KPIs. If yes, then rich media ads might be the perfect solution. 

Recently, App Samurai won the 2019 Smarties award in the promotion category our interactive advertisements produced for Migros, including: “virtual baby” and“interactive shopping”. If you’d like to collaborate with us, to produce some award-winning and cutting edge advertisements to cut through the advertising monotony, then get started here. 


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