DMEXCO 2018: Our Key Takeaways

September 12 & 13 were the days of DMEXCO and we were there, as you know. It was a really impressive experience to be there. We had a chance to meet very curious people, thanks to all of you 🧡

The Exhibitor Area

The booth area was really huge. There were hundreds of booth and everyone worked its magic. And we liked the design of our booth. It was eye-catching attracting people even just out of curiosity.

Key Two Insights of DMEXCO 2018

We’ve summarized our attendees’ favorite observations and highlights from the event.

TRANSPARENCY Is A Must Not A Preference

Everyone was talking about transparency as an essential necessity (as a hygiene factor) for both buying & selling traffic. In terms of the seller, it is important to share the transparency requirements, device ID requirements, Hard KPIs and any other customer requests automatically with the buyers. The most significant saying was that programmatic has a potential to address issues like transparency.

E.g. One of the exhibitors had a whiteboard shaped like a mobile phone at their booth with a question addressed to visitors of the booth; “Tell us what “Transparency” means to you”, to collect the thoughts and opinions of visitors.

FRAUD Is The Hot & Juicy Topic

The alarming topic the mobile ad fraud. Most of the players in the sector are using multiple fraud detection and prevention mechanisms (including in-house solutions – all claim to have one).

Besides many white-labeled ad tech providers, there are also black ones in the sector and they are coming with new methods. It makes difficult detecting and preventing ad fraud. Even though the success seems doubtful, blockchain technology is seen as a solution to ad fraud. But, it is hard in the near future. Only if the key figures based on the real interactions are tracked, there could be a positive change in the long run.


Do You Want To Learn How To Detect Mobile Ad Fraud?



Other Insights From DMEXCO 2018


Creating Competitive Advantage With New Ad-Units

Playable is still but not that widespread! It emphasized that playable and interactive ads are no longer exclusive to gaming. But, shopping, dating and travel apps can take advantage of this format. It could be normal to wait for a really big change in the near future. To take an advantage from this possible change, brands need a smart UA strategy to succeed.

Everyone Is Chasing A Direct Demand

Everyone is trying to refrain from running affiliate (campaigns with more than 2-3 hops) campaigns.
E.g. Multiple agencies & affiliate customers and also current publishers declared that they will no longer work with any other advertiser coming to them with campaigns with more than one jump.


Hard KPIs and CPAs are communicated more up-front and are accepted as default compared to previous fairs, as it is demanded by all direct customers. Compared to previous events, brands saying to accept Hard KPIs have increased significantly.

Why We Should Be There?

Every year, we are planning to be there. It is because:
💪 A great opportunity to meet with you;

  • to strengthen the relationships
  • get feedback and understand where your focus is shifting to
  • explore opportunities to scale further

💪 A great opportunity to meet with current and new publishers;

  • To give feedback, express the new demands coming from the customers (such as; transparency requests, Hard KPIs, CPA, new ad-unit opportunities)
  • Listen to the new developments and what new they can offer from their end.
  • Explore scaling opportunities

💪 A great opportunity to explore what is new in the mobile ad-tech and what other alternative synergies, partnership opportunities that we can bring out of it.

Special Thanks To All Of You!

A great thank you to all partners, clients and curious people who have stopped by our booth. We had a chance to meet you and satisfied your curiosity. We hope you are happy like us, too!
If you wonder where we will be or learn more about mobile marketing, check out our event page and blog.

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