Boosting Mobile App Performance During The World Cup

Everyone is watching the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia! Just check these key facts presented by Statista.

And this says everything about the best strategy of the moment for the growth of your app. But nothing will happen if you don’t do anything about it. First of all, you need a smart plan in order to attract this huge number of users. Even if there is plenty of time until July 15, for convincing football fans to pay attention to your message the sooner you start the better will be for your business.

How To Boost Your Mobile App Performance During The World Cup

This event seems the perfect occasion to promote sports apps, but all app owners should pay attention to the advantages provided by the World Cup. If you don’t know how we are here to show you. But before starting, we strongly recommend you to read FIFA’s rules about marketing activities.

Map User Moments

We always say that a great technique for attracting users is to go to events and to talk to people about your app. Better saying, be where your audience is! In case you don’t have the chance to go to Russia, just make sure your app goes there. Change your app’s features according to this competition and engage users with all these tools. It is true that people watch the World Cup on their big screens but for scores and more information about teams and players, they check their phones. That is the right moment when you need to stand out. But before that, make sure you localize your app in order to serve the appropriate content.

Notify Users

Users need to stay up to date and to find all the information they want after just one tap. You need to offer them that. Send them notifications with the latest results, especially when you refer to their favorite teams. Data is the key here, but you mustn’t forget about the golden rules of push notifications. Never exaggerate with this method because, no matter how enthusiastic fans are, they won’t appreciate an app which interrupts their activity every 2 seconds for displaying all kinds of messages. Keep it relevant and communicate only the most important facts.

Use Your Creativity

It is really interesting to be part of this huge event but think about that for a second. What if all app owners present their products in the same manner? How boring is that for users? To observe the same strategy wherever they go? Remember the damage created by ad fatigue. In order to make the difference, you need to be really creative and to make sure you impress users in a unique way. They have to understand your message and to appreciate your approach.

Focus On Growth

People interested in football represent the target audience here and everybody who takes part to this event can become a loyal user. Additionally to the action on the stadium, they all need to find a place to stay or eat. Not to mention that they are more willing to shop when they arrive in a foreign country. If you think about it, sky is the limit here and almost all categories of apps have a chance to attract more users if they adapt their strategy according to this event. Transform your ads and make sure they fit to the whole atmosphere generated by the World Cup. There are myriad of possibilities to advertise your app and App Samurai represents one of the best solutions available to acquire valuable users. So, define your goal and if you need a trustful partner you know where to find us.

Be Active

It is great to improve your app for reaching the audience focused on the World Cup but you should be doing more than that.  Keep in mind that social networks are the best place where users search for information about their favorite players. You should join some of the communities who appreciate this sport and to share various ideas about this competition. Use your social media accounts and be part of this big event. Make sure you apply popular hashtags related to the competition and impress people with your creation. If potential users don’t know anything about your app, you can’t expect to increase the conversion rate.

Leverage An Influencer

Speaking about social media effects, do you know what is more effective for increasing the performance of your app? Influencers. With millions of followers, they know what to say and when to say it, especially when it comes to promoting a product. Think about a way to impress an influencer with your creation and you can rest assured that they will do their best for promoting your app. You can’t quantify the results of this strategy but you will observe positive reactions even after the competition.

Successful Examples

Now that we discussed the best practices for presenting your app in front of users with this occasion, let’s check some successful apps for a complete demonstration.

FIFA World Cup App

We can’t talk about mobile marketing for World Cup without mentioning the official app of the competition. And this isn’t the only reason why 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia app is a must-have for all football fans. It offers information about every match and helps users to learn more about Russia. The app provides a great overall experience as expected!



In this fierce competition of messaging apps, Snapchat tries to attract its users with creative campaigns. Just take a look at the partnership between Three and Snapchat for integrating Puggerfly mascot into Snappable AR Lens, as The Drum highlighted a few days ago.


You already know how beneficial is SoloLearn for all software developers, but what this has to do with the World Cup? Well, you will (or, probably won’t!) be surprised to discover that the app has a competition for coders specially created with this occasion. Members of this wonderful community have to create a program that predicts the winner of the World Cup.

Final Thoughts

So, why not taking advantage of this huge event for reaching (more) success with your app? There are many categories of apps which can obtain remarkable results if their creators adapt the strategies presented above for impressing football fans.

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