7 Ways To Generate More App Revenue In 2019

Mobile marketing is a very dynamic ecosystem. In order to follow the best practices when it comes to increase your revenue it is important to keep track with the latest trends and we are here to help you with the entire process. In the same time it is essential to understand the reasons why different techniques are so urgent to be applied for the success of your app.

1. Improving App Installer Quality

Start by setting the right goal for your strategy. You want to acquire new users? That is great. But you have to decide what kind of customers you need for your app because it is necessary to convince them to continue using it after they install it in order to see the return on your investment.
Low Retention Rates
It is very difficult to maintain your users engaged on long term and this is visible also from the chart published by AppsFlyer at the beginning of this year.

Test Different Mobile Ad Networks
One of the solutions available is to work with different mobile ad networks but it is vital to make smart decisions when it comes to choose one and you will see better the reasons of this advice later in this article when we will talk about ad fraud. If you want to make the best decisions you should take a look at the performance indexes provided by some of the most trustful platforms.

Optimize For The Best
When you run a campaign you must keep track of your efforts and to improve it according to the results received. Don’t be afraid to adopt new tactics whenever you see that the current ones don’t work. Besides that, you need to invest your resources in App Store Optimization because a well presented app on app store will improve your chances for convincing the right people to download your app.

2. Avoiding Fraudulent Traffic

The worst thing when you create a campaign for increasing your revenue is to lose money and not knowing why. This can happen because of ad fraud.
Mobile Ad Fraud Surges Up
In our Mobile Marketing News Of The Week a month ago, we already mentioned the study made by TUNE on 24 billion clicks and 700 ad networks which reveals the disastrous situation of ad fraud but it is worth repeating it over and over again.

  • 8 ad networks are 100% fraudulent;
  • 35 ad networks contain more than 50% fraud;
  • only 23 ad networks had 0% fraud;

Work with an Attribution Partner
It is crucial to avoid by any means the possibility of being affected by fraudulent activities. If you choose to collaborate with an attribution partner then you will understand the benefits offered by this association. The most important service provided by these platforms is the fraud protection and you really need that advantage for your app.

3. Engaging Your Big Spenders

You have to keep your eyes on all your users but especially on the ones that are willing to spend more for the benefits received inside your app.
It’s Expensive to Acquire High – Value Users
Retention rate is a great concern for all app owners. As you can see in the chart published by Localytics the numbers differ according to app category but the fact is that 80% of all app users churn within 90 days and you keep losing money on the way.
Run Loyalty Programs
Loyalty programs offer great effects for the ones that choose to engage users with their mobile features. The results show an improvement of 62% in purchases behavior which is great for all types of apps.
Exclusive Offers
Taking into account all the above, it is hard to fight with these numbers and if you don’t engage users with something special that only your app can provide, it is difficult to attract them as you can see in the Infographic offered by AppLift.

4. Focusing On Emerging Markets

We keep talking about US overcrowded market and we present you different solutions with every occasion in order to help you reach your users globally.
Big Markets are Breaking The Bank
Valuable insights published by AppAnnie show the potential offered by emerging markets for the growth of your company.
Opportunity to Reach More Users With Low Cost
To take advantage of these statistics you need to adopt a strategy focused on the most promising markets that will bring you a great number of downloads. If you want to know how to get the best out of emerging markets we have the answer for you.

5. Enhancing In – App Advertising Experience

When you decide to serve ads inside an app you are facing some big challenges. The problem is not that you have ads, but how you run those ads.
Mobile Ad Blocking Numbers On The Rise
You know the report from PageFair about ad blocking situation with the data gathered in 2016? If you look at the chart below you will understand the problem with the rise of mobile ad block usage.
UX Friendly Ad Formats Improve eCPM Rates
The same study reveals the reasons why customers choose to eliminate ads when they use their mobile devices. So, read them carefully and after that open your app and make sure that your creation doesn’t create those impressions for your users.

6. Enabling Word Of Mouth

Well, we are living in an era where the decision to download an app comes from others’ judgments about what is cool and what should be installed. Let’s see how we can use that in our favor.
Friends’ Recommendations Are Still the Most Convincing Reason to Install Apps
Besides the special features offered by some apps, the most determining factor that influences people to download apps is their friends recommendation. So, what can you do when you know that potential users ask for other users’ opinions?
In – App Referral Campaigns
Building an in – app referral program is the wise solution when you realize that many of your users can become your brand’s ambassadors. If you don’t know what to do in this case, then you should follow our guide, Building In – App Referral Program.

7. Considering Alternative Marketing Channels

With the evolution of mobile marketing strategies you need to go with the flow and to consider all the opportunities available for increasing your app’s visibility and of course your income. Let’s see some of the main solutions for 2017.
Search Ads
A good method for convincing people to download your app is represented by Search Ads. They were available for Android app owners before and now you can take advantage of this type of promotion if you uploaded your creation on Apple App Store, especially with the low rates displayed for average CPI. Therefore you have Everything You Need To Know About Google Play Search Ads and Everything You Need To Know About Apple Search Ads on our blog and keep in mind that it is all about the keywords you choose for your app.

Image Source: https://searchads.apple.com/

Firebase App Indexing
If you are looking for a free way to target the right audience then Firebase App Indexing is your chance to accomplish that. We covered the methodology for Indexing Your App On Google for both Android and iOS apps so you can follow the steps described. As we mentioned in the article, there are no reasons not to use this service.

Image Source: https://firebase.google.com/docs/app-indexing/partners/case-study-the-guardian.pdf

Influencer Marketing
We often mention influencer marketing as a successful strategy for marketing your app. There are many apps that received remarkable benefits after convincing some experienced persons to talk about their apps and it is enough to take a look at our Mobile App Success Stories series to understand our point. Additionally don’t forget about the great number of followers on YouTube channels and choose a YouTuber if you realize that this technique applies to your app’s style.

Image Source: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=app+reviews


This is our list with the most efficient methods of the moment for improving the numbers of your business. We also offered you the proof of their necessity along with the best tips to apply them. Study them carefully and use them according to your needs.


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