7 Best Practices of Content Marketing for Mobile Apps
If you are thinking to create a mobile app and you want to get people interested in your product then you should know that content marketing is very effective for this purpose. As its name shows, content marketing is the form of marketing through interesting content, and we highlight the word “interesting”. In other words, you write helpful things for your possible users and they will be curios to try your app. Readers will become valuable users. A great advantage in using this advertising strategy is that you present your entire brand in front of customers, not only an app. This is very useful if you have more than one app. It creates awareness with long term effects. Not to mention that the support is reciprocal: you help them by improving their lives and they help you with their feedbacks and their actions. In the same time you need to concentrate your attention on both, the quality of your app and the essence of your content. Ignoring one side of the project will have the opposite effect.
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7 Best Practices of Content Marketing for Mobile Apps
You need to be very determinate to enter in the content marketing world, but if you are decided to try this strategy, let’s see the right steps required for creating amazing content in order to make your app popular.
Start with Creating A Content Marketing Strategy Before Launch
The first question that comes in every person’s mind is: “When should I start?” Well, you can’t start too early when you don’t even know what your app will be about. And definitely you can’t start too late when your app is already on the market. First you need to decide how you are going to create your app. What kind of app will it be? Who will be your target audience? What will be the main feature? After you have these things settled start coding and after you create the first page ask yourself if between the coding and the design tasks you will have time to write about your app. If the answer is “No”, then you should get somebody else to do that if you really want to adopt this technique for your app. If the answer is “Yes”, then you found the right moment to start creating content for marketing your new born app.
Show Your Audience You Understand Their Pain Points
Now, let’s pass to the next question: “What should I write about?” If you have your target audience in mind, find out what are their main interests. The reason why people use their phones is to look for something. A friend, a place for dinner, a good movie, reviews about their travel destinations… Discover the most interesting topics for your users. A good strategy is to talk about their problems and to find solutions related to your app to solve those problems. Or you can write something that will entertain your users during the commute to work. Anything goes, with the condition to be there to help your users.
Use Your Audience’s Language in Every Single Piece of Your Content
After you found the main topics you are wondering: “How to write this content?” From the start you need to follow your users’ tone. If you promote a game or a funny app, then your articles should be amusing, as well. If you have a time managing app then you should know that your users have limited time to read your posts. In this case you need to create short texts. On the other hand if you create an app for recipes, then you must add as many photos as you can with delicious food. Maybe you should create step – by – step guides in pictures or videos on how you created lovely dishes. But don’t forget that all the elements must match. The text, the photos and the videos should tell a story that will make people come back and read your articles and, of course they will use your app, because this is what we are talking about.
Find The Most Effective Channels To Promote Your Content
With all those social networks available there are many solutions for you to promote your content. Of course, you need to find channels suitable for your domain. It is easy to discover what are the blogs, forums or social sites preferred by your users. The next thing you should do is to join those communities. Add valuable comments for their articles and only after that, promote your content and your app. On the other hand you can create your own blog or website, but you still need to let people know about it. Either way, an essential requirement is to post frequently in order to be noticed. Every article matters but, you must be sure that your content will make a difference for your followers.
Use Different Content Types According to Your Audience’s Needs
Your users aren’t a homogeneous group. Maybe some of them are athletes, others are students or some of them are workaholics. But they have something in common. They read your content and they use your app. You need to create different text for every type of users. Maintain the same idea and share other thoughts according to the topic you choose. Try to involve them all into your content and relate your ideas to all your readers. It is very hard to concentrate on everybody’s needs but if you get the spirit of it, you will enjoy every time someone brags your work.
Get Benefit From User – Generated Content
What if you can’t find inspiration for new topics? A great method to create content is to convince your users to share snippets from their lives. This is called user – generated content. Give them a motive to send you photos or quotes related to your app and the only thing left for you to do is to manage their messages. People love when they are part of something extraordinary and they will enjoy spreading the word about your app. This is a win – win situation: they become popular and you will have great content for promoting your app. Moreover, this type of promotion can make your content or your app go viral. And this is what you were looking for from the start. Didn’t you?
Generate Useful Content in Your Blog
It goes without saying that you need to create relevant content. If you just throw some words on the screen hoping that somebody will read them then spear your time. Obviously, you have something better to do. But if you are interested to meet your users publishing your ideas then you will achieve your objective. The higher the number of people you help through your content the greater will be the number of downloads for your app. Make people realize that you write valuable text and it is all worthy of reading you. After they finish your article they should feel that they want to read the next one and they want to use your app, because of your effective content. If you gain their trust, then you will be sure about the fact that the engagement rate will be also high.
Analyze The Results And Don’t Forget That Content Marketing is Something You Can Calculate Its ROI
As you saw above everything depends on your app category. You need to test every step you make and to change your approach according to the results you get. If you keep an eye on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) like social shares, number of views, number of links generated you can calculate the effects of your work. When you will see an increase for the number of downloads or a higher engagement rate due to the content published for your app, then you will know how effective is your strategy. If you follow a well-defined plan you are on the right path to success. Be creative and keep up with the changes that can occur in your domain. Don’t forget that you need to start small and to grow along with your audience. The Return Of Investment (ROI) can be calculated differently for every content marketing campaign depending on its goal. The best thing is that you can try all the available resources until you are sure that your users are interested in what you are offering them.
Final Thoughts
There are so many questions regarding content marketing, but you are on the right track. If you find the proper answers for them, then this is the right strategy for you to advertise your app. You don’t need a high budget, but you need a lot of time. The condition is to have always in mind your users with their problems and to figure out how you can help them through your app. Write about that and they will reward your efforts by downloading your app and enjoying your articles.