
Mobile Apps That A Digital Marketer Needs To Have In 2021

The digital marketing subject is undertaking continuous changes and updates, so much so that it is now mainly optimized for mobile. That is why, today, being a digital marketer and working through mobile-only devices at the same time is a real possibility. Operating on the go represents a great time saver for entrepreneurs, and installing the right digital marketing mobile apps gives you just that: the freedom you need in regards to where, how, and for how long you get your job done. But how could you choose which apps to install and which ones might work for you? We understand the effectiveness that a well-organized mobile marketing app ecosystem can have on your overall productivity as a digital marketer. That’s why, in this article, we’ve put together a list of what we consider to be the mobile apps that every digital marketer needs to have in 2021. Without further ado, let’s dive right into it.

In this article/List of essential apps for digital marketers in 2021

List of essential apps for digital marketers in 2020:

1. Social Media Management Tools

Social media allows you to grow your online community and improving your pages’ engagement levels, which is why having a digital marketing mobile app that gathers together all social media posts and content pieces is probably the best choice for most marketers. Among the best SMM platforms, there are:

  • Hootsuite

Hootsuite is one of the most renowned social media platforms. It allows you to schedule content across Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube, along with creating custom data reports (which are not included in the fee). Its pricing starts at $19.99 per month, with the option of a 30-day trial.

  • Buffer

Buffer is very similar to Hootsuite. Just like the latter, user-friendly content scheduling interface, high-quality analytics, and 30-day free trial are the main keywords. The differences? Buffer does not have Instagram in it (which has to be integrated through third-party apps), just like it doesn’t have any native social mentioning tool at its disposal. On the other hand, its starting price is just $15 per month. 

  • Sprout 

Sprout social is probably the most well-organized social media management platform of all the three mentioned so far. Its dashboard is split into 6 different areas including publishing, feeds, and tasks. and (unlike Hootsuite) its analytics reports are totally free. However, its social media management tool is only limited to 4 accounts: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ (it doesn’t include Instagram, nor Pinterest). Finally, its price is considerably higher, starting at $59.99 per month with the option of a 30-day free trial

2. Facebook Ads

Once Facebook recognized that most digital marketers spent the vast majority of their time on mobile devices rather than desktops or laptops, a specific digital marketing mobile application that catered to ads creators and publishers seemed like the next logical step. The mobile Facebook Ads app was born out of the intent, on Facebook’s part, to help all those people in making the process of setting up and running ads promotions for their clients easier (and more convenient) than it’s ever been. Besides that, the mobile Ads Manager also helps you in:

  • Monitoring your ads performance;
  • Receiving campaign-related push notifications;
  • Modifying your existing ads. 

As of now, the Ads Manager is only available for iOS. Facebook, however, has made it clear that it is going to come up with an Android-based version, probably within the next couple of months. 

3. Video Conferencing Tools

Given the widespread adoption of smart-working practices (mostly due to the Coronavirus outbreak), you might have recently heard a lot of talks around video conferencing tools. If you either have a marketing agency or are part of one yourself, you need to be equipped with a high-quality digital marketing mobile application that drastically reduces the risk of any communicational friction possibly arising within team settings. Two tools, more than others, might help you in achieving that:

  • GoTo Meeting

The GoTo Meeting application is used by millions of people every day, in any circumstance and from any device. Among its perks, there are the opportunity to share your screen with other participants and have flexible calling options regardless of the plan you purchase, along with unlimited cloud storage. However, aside from a 14-day trial, GoTo Meeting doesn’t benefit from a free plan, and its price for the “Starter” plan is set at a monthly $13 per participant.   

  • Zoom

Zoom offers impressive features for video conferencing purposes, as it allows you to easily access its platform through either desktop or its own mobile app. Unlike GoTo Meeting, it gives you the chance of sharing not only your screen (or a small portion of it), but also your audio, and it offers the option to split your main meeting into sub-meetings (the so-called “breakout rooms”) as well. Finally, it does offer a free plan (which GoTo Meeting does not), and its Pro plan is available for $14.99 a month per participant.

  • Mention

Today more than ever, you need to know what people are saying about you and your app, and how people are perceiving your brand. Social listening tools are mandatory for any business that’s heavily involved in digital marketing practices (and also for anyone who’s not). Our choice, in this regard, falls on Mention. Mention is a social listening and web monitoring tool that gives you endless information about what people think about your company through quick keyword searches. Specifically, it lets you:

  • Track metrics that are relevant to your situation and create custom reports through its Insights Center; 
  • Discover relevant Instagram and Twitter influencers you could reach out to;
  • Save and organize your own tags.

Mention offers a 14-day free trial and a full free plan which is comprehensive of 3 social accounts and 250 mentions. As for its paid plans, the price ranges between $25 (Solo plan, inclusive of 5 social accounts) and $450 (Enterprise plan, with unlimited social accounts available). 

  • Slack

Working in the digital marketing field means having to constantly play catch up with either clients, colleagues, or business partners. That is why, within the list of mobile apps that a digital marketer needs to have in 2021, we couldn’t leave out Slack, the app that simplifies the workflow and is designed to replace email as the main method of communication within modern workplaces. Among the main features, in Slack we have:

  • The ability to create separate channels and groups through simple hashtags (ideal for bigger businesses, since it allows to differentiate tasks and entire work departments);
  • Flexibility in regards to which group notifications to receive (you can turn off the undesired ones); 
  • Private messaging options;
  • Public conversations, which are accessible (or discoverable through the Slack search box) by every member of your team;
  • Finally, very much like emails, Slack allows file and document sharing. 

Furthermore, Slack can be easily integrated with multiple apps, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or Zapier. This enables you to manage all of your workflows and centralize your business notifications in one single place, making it the ideal productivity solution for both smaller and bigger companies likewise. As for pricing, Slack benefits from a free plan and two other plans: Standard ($8 per person on a monthly basis, or $80 per person on a yearly basis) and Plus (whose price is set at a monthly $15 or an annual $150 per person). 

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