How Marketing-as-a-Service Helps Businesses Grow

With the marketing landscape constantly changing and evolving, businesses of all types, including mobile businesses, need to keep up with the latest trends and strategies. However, many fail to take advantage of the latest developments in marketing due to insufficient in-house resources and limited budgets, among other limitations holding them back. 

While it’s important for businesses to have the right marketing technology to support their efforts, they don’t need to purchase a whole new technology stack. Instead, they can implement this technology with the help of Marketing-as-a-Service. 

If you’re wondering what these services are and how they can help you get ahead of the competition with your marketing, the following is a guide to Marketing-as-a-Service to get you started.

What is Marketing-as-a-Service?

Marketing-as-a-Service (MaaS) is a customized and reliable solution that performs certain marketing tasks to assist a business’s strategy and bring it to fruition. Oftentimes, businesses have an idea of what they want to achieve with their marketing, but they may not have the in-house resources to reach their goals. With the help of a dependable MaaS provider, businesses can benefit from the technology and efficiency they need to get the most from their marketing plans. 

A good MaaS provider will offer access to state-of-the-art technology such as an easy-to-use marketing platform. MaaS providers may also consist of experts with plenty of experience in the marketing industry. The ideal provider will also work to understand your unique requirements and help meet them with the best available solution. Ultimately, these benefits are what are making MaaS the future of marketing.

How MaaS Works

Through MaaS services, companies outsource certain marketing functions to another company that’s able to handle them. While business owners still have control over their project, they don’t need to focus as much on their marketing efforts, which enables them to redirect their focus toward other more important business aspects. 

Some MaaS services like App Samurai give their clients access to AI-powered platforms that help inform their marketing strategies. Using a growth platform, businesses can gain insights into how their existing campaigns are performing and make any necessary changes. This helps optimize marketing strategies to yield the best possible results when launched.

There are many services that businesses will find with MaaS providers, depending on their unique needs. These services may include:

  • Content creation
  • Customer lead generation
  • ROI tracking
  • Campaign design
  • Analytics integration
  • Public relations
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)

The Benefits of MaaS

If you’re wondering what advantages you’ll find with MaaS services, the following are some of the specific benefits that a good provider will offer:

Direct More of Your Budget to Strategies That Allow for True Growth

Many businesses work with tight budgets and minimal resources to start with. At the same time, they need access to the right resources to help them grow and maximize their profitability. They also need to put an effective strategy in place to make sure their campaigns succeed in the long term.

If a business is unable to sufficiently plan and strategize, it may be able to achieve certain short-term goals with its marketing, but it won’t experience actual growth. You need to be able to develop a solid strategy with clear goals that put your campaigns in a specific direction. A good strategy also relies on high-quality and bountiful data. 

The beauty of MaaS is that businesses can have the chance to put a strong strategy in place. They can use the right technology to gather invaluable insights and help them strategize. They’ll also be able to effectively launch their campaigns to allow for better execution. In addition, they can do so with more efficiency, which means that internal teams can spend more time on other projects. 

Ultimately, better strategies through MaaS mean better performance and long-term growth.

Scale Your Marketing Efforts With Your Business

Your marketing strategies need to be able to grow with your business to maintain their effectiveness. With a good MaaS partner by your side, you can get consistently great results with your marketing while keeping the cost of operation affordable. With the money saved through the reduced cost of marketing, you can redirect your budget to other areas of business that demand more time and attention.

For example, you may want to develop a new feature for a mobile app or expand your brand’s reach by marketing on more platforms. Through MaaS solutions, you can more easily transfer focus to these and other initiatives. Specifically, a good marketing platform can help you gauge your existing marketing campaigns’ performance, which can inform future campaigns and help you optimize your strategy. 

The key is to allow for long-term growth through strategies that continue to work for you over a long period.

Increase Adaptability to Stay Ahead of the Competition

It’s often challenging to keep up with the marketing landscape, which is ever-changing. It’s also often difficult to adapt strategies as needed to make sure your efforts don’t fall behind, especially without the necessary resources. Even if you have a marketing team in place for your business, it may have a hard time following the latest marketing trends and procuring the technology necessary to allow for real growth.

One advantage of working with a MaaS provider is the ability to avoid the need to develop new strategies and adapt existing ones to keep them up to date. You’ll also have access to innovative solutions that help you strategize and maintain flexibility. In turn, you’ll be able to avoid losing steam with your marketing efforts while spending less time on developing entirely new strategies to keep up. 

Find New Ways to Fuel Continual Improvement

Increased efficiency with a MaaS provider will help you find new and exciting ways to grow your business. You might discover certain opportunities that you otherwise might have missed without the right marketing solutions. You’ll also be able to spend less time optimizing your current marketing strategies, which helps your team focus on other efforts, including branding and design.

If your teams don’t need to focus as much on marketing, they can help contribute toward other departments of your business. For instance, your marketing teams can address certain issues that customers experience or answer questions they may have. 

In addition, you can test new marketing campaigns to determine which work and track their performance with your MaaS platform. 

The Functions That are Most Compatible With MaaS

Although a MaaS provider can help with a variety of marketing functions, it’s important to keep in mind that it won’t be able to handle every function. Your in-house marketing staff will be able to handle certain aspects of your marketing, but they’ll be able to do so with more ease through MaaS. What a MaaS provider primarily does is give you the technology you need to fuel your in-house marketing efforts, with the tools that can keep you ahead in your industry.

You may wind up keeping many core marketing functions in-house, but a MaaS will enable you to outsource certain non-core functions. These may include:

  • Content presentation and development
  • PR
  • Online and print media design
  • Lead scoring
  • Marketing automation
  • UX and UI design

Through MaaS, you can make sure these functions support more integral in-house functions to drive long-term success for your business.

Does MaaS Benefit SMBs or Larger Businesses?

Many small to medium-sized businesses and startups turn to MaaS providers to help them get off on the right foot with the ideal solution. When starting with small budgets and limited resources, a trustworthy MaaS partner can make sure they have what small businesses need to successfully launch. Meanwhile, the marketing teams and other employees of SMBs will have the chance to grow while focusing on other areas of business.

Although many smaller businesses might want to seek out a MaaS provider, a good provider can also benefit large companies in a number of ways. For example, a larger business may want to turn to MaaS services when entering a new market, giving a new technology a try, or when attempting to introduce a new product or service.

These benefits make MaaS critical for SMBs and large businesses alike, depending on their needs.

How App Samurai Can Help Your Mobile Business Flourish

If you’re looking for the right MaaS provider to help your mobile business grow, App Samurai has everything you need to drive success with your marketing efforts. Our mobile growth platform enables you to optimize your campaigns’ performance to effectively target the right mobile users at the right time, boost brand awareness to build recognition and trust, and monetize your app. 

App Samurai offers a number of features to help you get the most from your app marketing efforts. For example, you can use App Samurai AI to acquire new users, or pre-load apps on premium manufacturer devices such as Oppo, Samsung, and Xiaomi. Our creative studio also enables you to use the best ad formats for your campaigns to optimize branding efforts.

Regardless of what you want to achieve with your mobile marketing efforts, App Samurai is a MaaS provider that can help you succeed with the right resources.

App Samurai is an AI-powered, secure mobile growth platform. Register, add your app and start driving high-quality users.