iOS 10.3 Updates: Tips to Provide Better iOS Experience

Last week we offered you a small introduction to the new version of iOS, which is iOS 10.3, during the weekly roundup from mobile marketing world. Let’s go further with that idea for discovering the best practices in improving your presence on Apple App Store.

App Store Reviews Reply

One of the most important announcements was that app owners will be able to reply to all reviews received in App Store. This feature is something that developers waited for a long time. It removes the barriers between developers and users and allows both parties to share ideas about the same app.

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A Chance To Improve Bad Reviews

The best improvement recently added is the possibility of answering to all the concerns received in App Store, especially the negative ones. When somebody complains about your app, or even worse, a user reports a crash without any details it was almost impossible to connect with him to discover more about that error. Besides that, the low rated feedback continued to influence other potential users. You had no power to convince everybody that you are about or you already removed the bug. Now, this entire nightmare is over.

Tips To Get Positive Reviews

Before starting to communicate with your users you must read the best practices described by Apple team in Responding To Reviews. Additionally, we will share with you some tips which will help you to make a good impression on your users.

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Be Quick!

You can be sure that a reviewer won’t wait too long for you to reply on App Store. Luckily, in the moment you do that, he will receive a mail with the notification that you published an answer. More important is that he can change his review any time. If you act fast you can change a 1 star into 4 or 5 stars. Wouldn’t it be awesome?

Be Consistent

If you finally received this chance to communicate with users make the best out of it. You need to keep answering to their messages and to remain connected with them. This way they will be more engaged if you make them feel important.

Prioritize Some Reviews

All reviews are important, but some of them are really urgent. Start by replying to those which need your immediately attention and continue with the ones that only require your gratitude. Again, make sure you answer to all of them, good or bad in a professional manner.

Always Keep Users Up – to Date

After solving some complains, act quickly and announce your users about the improvements you added to your app. It is a great opportunity to show them that you continue to maintain your app and they will find always your support whenever they will need it.

In – App Ranking Prompts

Another solution provided by iOS 10.3 is that you can ask users to review your app by prompting an in – app message. This is amazing because it reduces your customers’ effort of going to the app store but it also comes with a few challenges which will discuss further.

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You Have Just 3 Chances Per Year

Allow us to repeat that: You have just 3 chances per year for each user. Don’t waste them. And even more critical, don’t allow them to take your app in the wrong direction. What we want to emphasize is that the number is not that important if you throw those messages anywhere and anyhow. This brings us to the following point:

Revise Your Rating Prompts

In order to obtain the best results, it is vital to have a small plan which will lead you to the positive thoughts of your users.
Be Polite
This is mandatory in every situation. It is pointless that your app offered a great experience for your customers if your prompts are not respectful. Be sophisticated and users will be impressed by your entire brand.
Right Timing
Choosing the right moment to ask users to give their feedback makes the difference between a successful action and a failure. Don’t be intrusive and avoid by any means to annoy your customers. Wait until they are done with their current activity and then consider displaying the question.
Target Engaged Users
We established the how and when for your rating prompts. Now, let’s see whom you should ask to review your app. As you probably figured out you need to find those persons who open the app most often and they really enjoy using it. It is vital to make sure that you will receive a big number of stars. Otherwise, you will do more harm than good.

New Dynamic App Icons

A new interesting opportunity for app owners came like a surprise and it will revolutionize the way people recognize their favorite apps on the screen. Apple provides a feature for developers to allow users the option to change their app icon in a dynamic manner. This is a great thing because you won’t need to issue a new update on App Store when you want to modify your app icon.

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Change To Personalize User Experience

In the same time, it represents a good opportunity for marketers to drive users’ attention by modifying the color of the icon according to users’ preferences. On the other hand you need to maintain a certain level of consistency; otherwise your customers won’t be able to identify your app anymore.

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Stay Fresh In Special Days

The advantage of being able to dynamically modifying the icon of the app comes handy when you want to add an extra touch to your strategy. For example, on Christmas you can make it more festive, or when you prepare a special event related to your app you have the possibility to announce your users through that small image which represents your app.


The recently released iOS 10.3 is packed with a lot of advantages for developers. Even the elements which demand more creativity are also justified if you think about them from users’ shoes. All in all, the next couple of months will be an interesting period to observe all those novelties implemented in multiple ways by programmers eager to make their apps more special.

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