How to Find The Perfect Audience for Your Mobile Ad Campaign

With the multitude of mobile marketing technologies to choose from today, it is sometimes difficult to find the right audience for your organization.

This time we will introduce you to some elements to start a strong mobile marketing audience strategy with the right tools.

The landscape for applying marketing strategies changed 180 degrees in a few years: from the desktop realm to the mobile one, from owning all data to the explosion of third-party data, from marketing technology as something new and little used to the constant use of this type of tools.

All marketing actions must be directed at a target audience. If not, instead of strategy, we would be talking about a set of efforts without a specific purpose. 

Companies of all sizes seek to understand and take advantage of all aspects of marketing, in all its complexity.

What is the target audience?

Target audience is a demographic and behavioral cut of a group of people that the company chooses as future customers of your product or service. It is for them that marketing actions will focus.

To create your audience, look at the following data:

● Age

● Sex

● Location

● Educational training

● Purchasing power

● Social class

● Consumption habits

Defining a target audience was for a long time, the first step in creating a mobile marketing strategy when the audiences were chosen for each of the products.

Why is it important? What is an ideal customer or Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

The Ideal Customer Profile is a description that summarizes your best customer. It is what identifies with your business, commits itself, understands the use of your product or service, uses it frequently, and believes that the product meets their needs successfully.

Based on your business experiences, think: which company or person would be the customer of your dreams? Who would be the best customer to buy your product/download your app? 

The important data to create the ICP for mobile marketing business is data that characterizes a good company:

  1. Action segment,
  2. Size of the ideal company (number of employees),
  3. The ideal location of the company,
  4. Marketing team structure,
  5. Maturity,
  6. Sales cycle,
  7. Average income

For the same product or service, you can create different buyer persona profiles. To do this, it is essential to think about whether they constitute a significant group of clients – be it because of the number of people, acquisition potential, or the role they have in achieving the objectives.

The number of profiles may change; we advise you to create up to five relevant profiles.

Understanding how personal buyers act on the purchase can help establish the type of message you should do for the content strategy.

Therefore, the information must come from the potential customers themselves, and not from the internal perception of the company.

How to choose the right audience?

To choose the right people, you can see on social networks who are the most active people on your Facebook fan page, for example, or on your Instagram.

Make an analysis of their page: type of photos, what they like, what they usually do, what they publish, and you will already have some critical perceptions.

Also, you can use mobile app advertising channels.

The advantages are selecting the best audience for your mobile app marketing campaign

Many brands are aware of the great impact of betting on mobile marketing and consider it a priority in their communication and advertising strategies for the company. Why? Here are some of the benefits that mobile marketing will bring you :

– Greater audience. The smartphone has a much higher range than other devices. Also, today you can find audiences of all kinds of ages, sex, and characteristics.

– Low investment. It will not be an excellent investment of money. Mobile marketing campaigns have lower prices than other conventional communication systems.

– Accuracy in the target audience. It allows you to reach a particular audience and maintain direct communication with it. You will know whom you are targeting and what interests them.

– Loyalty. Through mobile marketing, you can build customer loyalty by offering promotions, discounts, and coupons directly and personally and informing them of all the news about your brand.

– Ubiquity, immediacy, and convenience. The smartphone is a device that people carry with them practically all day. Therefore, you can access them at any time and anywhere and, with new advances in location, send them proposals that fit their position and profile.

– Interact with your clients. You can start a conversation with the receiver through the same channel with which you have contacted and created user profiles according to their needs, preferences, and tastes for future communications.

– Adaptability and speed. A mobile marketing campaign requires little time to launch and allows you to monitor its evolution immediately. Depending on the response you have obtained, you can establish correction mechanisms in real-time to optimize the results.

– Permanence and viral effect. The message is saved on the mobile device and, if the recipient considers it attractive and interesting, they can share it with their contacts, exponentially expanding the dissemination of the message.

– Higher response rate. Mobile marketing campaigns have a much higher response rate than other types of digital marketing actions.

– Great analysis capacity. The effectiveness can be followed and evaluated very quickly. The tools that facilitate this monitoring are very numerous.

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