
PODERcard is a finance app that operates like a bank without monthly fees to allow its users to manage their money. Targeting the continental United States, PODERcard was expecting to narrow its audience down to the Latino community (for which it was built). Given the challenges of targeting a niche demographic within a targeted GEO, PODERcard sought help from mobile growth partners. Just Slide Media (JSM) was the obvious choice given their track record as an ad agency with considerable reach and quality.

To tackle PODERcard’s challenge of acquiring fully qualified users for the Latino Community in the US, JSM teamed up with App Samurai as their mobile growth partner of choice.


A user acquisition platform boasting over 100 different ad sources spanning tens of thousands of different app placements, including exclusive inventory from mobile partners like Samsung, Huawei, and Xiaomi to name a few, App Samurai was the one-stop shop for PODERcard’s user acquisition needs. App Samurai’s auto-optimization engine, targeting capabilities, and experienced campaign management team were instrumental in ensuring that JSM’s marketing strategy for the LA-based finance app was executed successfully. The plan was to run user acquisition campaigns with the conversion point being a complete and successful account creation. This translated to a long user journey, but JSM & App Samurai were confident in their abilities to execute this plan to bring active users to PODERcard.


App Samurai has thus far successfully helped capture 20,000 users who have created accounts and actively use the app. Meanwhile, over 83,000 tutorial completions have been achieved from a total of 81,500 users who installed the app. App analytics tools show that PODERcard has seen a sharp and constant increase in DAU by 336% and a 220% increase in MAU in this quarter alone.

PODERcard and App Samurai continue to maintain mobile marketing activities together via the strategies laid down by JSM, with whom App Samurai maintains a valuable partnership spanning multiple clients with different targets around the globe!


Account Creation


increase in DAU


increase in MAU

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