The front end is the beginning for the user’s journey on a software product that has been meticulously built by an army of dedicated enginners and experts. It’s about speed, functionality and bulletproof quality. Would you like to join us as a Senior Frontend Developer?
About You
The user comes first for you.
You work with others to plan, code, test, and release in an iterative fashion autonomously.
You are an experienced Frontend Developer who has built user-facing interfaces on ReactJS for SaaS products working closely with the design and backend teams.
You are proficient with fundamentals of front-end development including HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.
You understand the limitations of various screen sizes and able to provide a smooth responsive design experience for the user.
You have a keen eye for the details and you are sensitive about code reusability and modular structures.
You understand the differences between various hardware options the users have and their limitations.
You have a passion for finding simple and creative solutions for the users to help them get the most out of the product and its features.
You enjoy working in collaboration with product managers, designers and developers by taking a role in the development process with brainstorming sessions, wireframing, and UI discussions.
What You Will Do
Your Experience
Başvurunuzu göndererek, belgede ve eklerinde yer alan tüm bilgilerin, ayrıca hakkınızda diğer kaynaklardan elde edilecek bilgilerin (örneğin referans olarak gösterdiğiniz kişilerin vereceği bilgiler, sosyal medya mecralarındaki alenileşmiş veriler) Apps Medya Teknoloji A.Ş. (ya da App Samurai Inc.) tarafından elde edilmesine, verilerin sunulma amacına uyumlu olarak iki yıl süreyle saklanmasına ve Apps Medya Teknoloji A.Ş. (App Samurai Inc) çalışanları, danışmanları ve dış hizmet sağlayıcıların ve herhangi üçüncü gerçek kişilerle ve kurumlarla paylaşılmasına rıza göstermektesiniz.Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu’nun 11. Maddesi kapsamındaki haklarınızı kullanabilirsiniz. Kanun kapsamında şirketimize başvurularınızı e-posta adresine iletebilirsiniz. Şirketimize iletilen e-postalar en geç 30 gün içerisinde cevaplanacaktır. — By submitting your application you allow and give consent to Apps Medya Teknoloji A.Ş. and/or App Samurai Inc. to obtain, to retain for two years in line with the submission purposes of the data, to share with any third party (such as employees, consultants, service providers) with respect to the data included in your application and its annexes and/or data which could be obtained in other ways (from your references, information already available to public in social media platforms).You may exercise your rights granted to you under Article 11 of Law on Protection of Personal Data and GDPR and any other personal data protection rule or regulation that we may be a subject to. You can always contact us by sending an e-mail to E-mails sent to the company will be answered at most within 30 days.