Adobe Analytics
Adobe Analytics helps you gain a deeper understanding of your mobile app users and a comprehensive view into your mobile campaign performance. With Adobe Analytics, you have mobile analytics intelligence right on your desktop, smartphone, or tablet — so you can quantify the ROI of every mobile project.
Features of Mobile App Analytics
Data collection for mobile channels: Collect comprehensive data for your mobile apps on all major operating systems.
Mobile app dashboards and reports:View data through an interface designed for mobile app teams, and get usage reports that include lifecycle metrics for your apps and app store metrics, such as trends for users, launches, average session length, and crashes.
Geo-location analytics & targeting:Provide app personalization by targeting content to users based on their GPS position or proximity to Beacons.
Mobile engagement analysis:Understand user engagement within your mobile app, website, or video, including how frequently consumers launch the channel, whether they make purchases from it, and more.
Mobile campaign analysis:Quantify the effectiveness of mobile-specific campaigns such as SMS, mobile search ads, mobile display ads, and QR codes in driving app downloads.
Fast instrumentation:Deploy Adobe App Analytics in as little as five minutes by integrating one comprehensive software development kit (SDK) into your apps, complete with built-in implementation verification.